Rainy Day Projects

May 8, 2022

Little Rock Photographers provide headshots, business, family, senior, and children portraits and serves real estate professionals with quality promotional photography. Thursday was a good day; it had been raining for some time resulting in the cancellation of several sessions. Rainy days are good for getting caught up on tasks I've been putting off and projects that I haven't had time to pursue and preparing for the current sessions when the weather permits. Thursday was a rainy day with waves of heavy rain all day, perfect for a project I had been considering. I recently made drone photos and video clips of a beautiful potential real estate listing. I provide the clips because many people use their phones and edit together their presentations. I usually take a couple of hours to edit one of my video productions, and I've had trouble charging enough to justify the time necessary to complete the video. I had the time and the clips, so I launched into the edit session. I was working from home on a remote connection, and I was almost done when my artist assistant logged in and knocked me off the link, causing me to lose my work. At that point, I decided to go into the office and work there. I already knew the clips I wanted to use, so it didn't take too long to recreate the video. I put a favorite music track in and loaded it to the internet for public distribution. It was well-received.

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