Seniors, Seniors and More Seniors

July 17, 2022

The summer finds us busy in our studio and real estate listings around pulaski county, as well as two or three high school seniors on most days. Business portraits or headshots are still in demand and keep us in touch with corporate customers. We constantly add simple props to our senior portraits, tiars, hats, and recently small white numerals depicting the year of graduation. People react positively to the most simple things as long as the subject is enhanced and not my desire for artistic heights. Most seniors need their yearbook portrait made; this may seem like a straightforward undertaking with little economic reward. Since We provide plenty of time to create beautiful images and make the seniors feel unique, many customers will respond financially as best they can in the present economic difficulties. The care continues with the viewing session immediately following the photo session. We have a small conference room with a projector where the images can be projected and discussed with my sales associate, who always seems to have an opinion on the photos and potential purchase options. I don't get involved in that aspect of my business; I have always found it best to let ladies shop with ladies. The viewing session requires a blend of conversation and small talk that, in most cases, eludes me as a man. After selecting the best of each pose, purchasing decisions are made, and the process continues through artwork, fulfillment, and shipping directly to the customer's address.

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